Saturday, March 26, 2011

I have to write this down - Spaghetti and Meatballs

The problem with making things from your head is trying to recreate them later. I made the best Spaghetti sauce I've ever made yesterday and today it was even better.

So for future reference, here is my best guess at what I did.

15 cloves of garlic (4 for meatballs)
2 onions sliced in half, then quartered
1 1/2 red peppers, cut in chunks

roast in oven at 425 til they start to brown

blend in high powered blender with 3 raw carrots and 1/2 cup water

add blended veggies to
2 large cans crushed tomatoes
2 small cans paste
2 tsp sugar
2 tsp oregano
2 tsp basil
1/4 fresh basil, chopped
2 bay leaves

water as needed, (note to self) remember sauce thickens, be wise!!

Simmer about 3-4 hours, til meat is cooked through

1 package ground, white meat Turkey
1 2/3 cups breadcrumbs
1 egg
1/4 cup fresh parsley
reserved garlic
at least 1 cup frozen spinach, thawed and drained
generous 1/3 cup ramano cheese
sprinkle in extra basil and oregano maybe 1 tsp ea

mix together, form into balls and toss in the sauce.

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