Sunday, April 3, 2011

Growing more like a weed than a Daisy ... 9 months!

This has been an exciting but stressful month. Lot's of ups and plenty of downs. Let's start with the worst.

Mom FAIL! She found the radiator. =( All is fine now :)

We've learned a lot this month, some Ups ...
yoga...down dog, but not so easy on the wood floor in footie jammies

exploring on the floor is FUN (that's more of an up for hands!)
almost crawling, but she's getting so fast on her belly she may just skip it
getting to a sitting position, on her own
pulling herself up to stand
all food is yummy

Lentil Soup

helping with the laundry...

She is NOT as big as she thinks she is ... she makes me so nervous! some Downs
getting to a sitting position, on her own often leads to a face plant on the floor
pulling herself up to stand and immediately falling back
She keeps toppling over. Literally, plenty of downs! There have been lots of sad tears this month.

But overall, she's a happy baby!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, she is so cute! I just want to eat her cheeks!