Thursday, June 24, 2010

It's slowly coming to an end ...

I don't know why, but I receive a bunch of parenting magazines. American Baby came today so I flipped through the pages. Something on the last page, written for the dads, made me laugh, so I thought I'd share it.

"WEEK 39: It doesn't matter how big your baby is now. Just take a look at your poor wife! Can't you tell how uncomfortable the woman is? And just how close to the edge of insanity she must feel? Can't you practically see that bowling-ball-size baby pushing around in there, pressing on internal organs that are so displaced your wife insists she can feel her appendix approximately somewhere hear her shoulder? Just give her a tub of ice cream and a nice, big bag of pretzels, and slooowly back away."

I probably found it so funny because that's exactly how I feel.

I don't think my stomach could stretch any farther, but boy this thing keeps growing! It's a constant battle to find a comfortable position. Contractions are throughout the day for the past 2 weeks, every time I feel one, I get my hopes up and prepare myself to watch the clock praying it's time, but they subside as quickly as they appear. I'm terrified of having four children, but I'm so over pregnancy!

And the Freshtown circular came today, Ben and Jerry's is on sale 5 for $10. I'm already planning on 10 pints of Cherry Garcia at 7 in the morning when they open.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

What do I do?

Mother's Day 2010

Just after I had tucked the girls into bed last night, I started cleaning the kitchen. I thought I heard Apani cry but it lasted no longer than a second so I assumed I was imagining it. A few minutes passed when I heard her again but like before, it was quick. Thinking she was stuck between her bed and the crib, I went in to check on her.

I walked in the room and saw her standing on her bed hunched over the crib gasping for air. I asked her what was wrong and she wouldn't answer me. She couldn't do much more than let out a quick cry.
"Abby! What's wrong?!"
She told me, "My throat".
I thought she meant food. "What's in your throat?"
She's gagging and vomitting ...
"It hurts."

It never occurred to me that she was choking. All I could think was, why is she not answering me? Why won't she talk?!! It wasn't until the nickel sized, orange flower bead came up that we realized what happened. After knowing that she was ok, I went to check on Maddy who was scared and crying because her sheets were now dirty, Apani was crying, and Mommy was frantic. I tried reassuring her that everything was ok and left to go back to Apani whom I found on all fours trying to clean the vomit off the kitchen floor! Poor thing. I said, "Oh, honey, don't worry about that!" I gave her clean clothes and had a long talk with her hoping that now she understands why we always tell her not to put toys in her mouth.

In the morning we had another talk. I wanted to know why she didn't come to El or I for help. She said she was scared and couldn't yell. Thank goodness I went in there. Could you imagine otherwise?

Skip forward several weeks, she's still putting small toys in her mouth to chew on!! Was that not enough to scare the crap out of her? It was at the time, but apparently she's over it. I'm not! I caught her with a toy in her mouth today and was so fed up, I said, "You want something to chew on? I'll give you something to chew on!?"
"What?" she asks.
"Peppercorns!" El replies.

At first thought, I couldn't have picked something better, but now I'm not so sure. What do I do?? I still haven't found effective discipline techniques for her. This child drives me bananas. In 2007, we spent Mother's Day with her in the ER because she drank a bottle of Tylenol while I was giving Kaity a dose. Bananas! BANANAS!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Never boring here

Apani asked if she could use the scissors to cut out her picture. Coincidentally, she was wearing the shirt, one of my favorite shirts, that she intentionally cut last time she had the scissors. She said, "I promise I won't cut my shirt." (The wording is key as I find out later.) Of all the clothes she has, she picks one of the GAP ones to cut.

Anyway, so later on she says, "Look, I cut out the Moo, [as in Maddy Moo], Mommy, Grandma, and me!" I praise her art and she's so happy. However, she neglets to tell me everything else she cut ... which I found hidden under the table ...

After her bath I realized it wasn't so bad except for the bang she created in front of her head. We'll see how bad it looks in the morning :/


I think I'm just going to stick to the one blog.

We tried this today and it was sooo good!! It was a little spicy for the kids, but I had beet greens on the side to keep the heat to a minimum. This is definitely a keeper!

Bow Ties with Sausage, Tomatoes, and Cream

Friday, June 4, 2010


I promised a few posts ago to post some recipes, but I've been so disappointed. It reminds me why I don't like trying new recipes, unless recommended by friends. The sweet potato casserole was good, Kaity loved it, but it wasn't anything better than my mother's recipe. So because of my lack of success I've gone back to old favorites. Tonight was Curry Chicken again, but this time I'm using a Carribean blend from a local chef: Soul and Caribbean Cuisine. I ran out of my imported Indian spice blend and El complains that I make curry too much. SOOOO hopefully this will be a good variation.


Well, it was good! :) Not spicy at all so as soon as I can get some Indian curry which is extremely spicy, I'll mix the two. That's another thing I miss about the city. I could walk in any direction and find things from anywhere in the world. Who knows when or if I can find my curry.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


If you haven't seen my facebook page in awhile, you may have missed the surprise. So here's a list of my covet items to give you a hint.



Dance lessons for Kaity and Abby this summer.

I definitely need one of these. I've heard you can get them from the hospital. I'll have to wait and see.

I love these...need to find a bunch for the "vacation."

Kristin let me borrow hers when I had Maddy and I just can't live without one!

Maybe not this particular one, but you get the idea!

How awesome is this tub?