Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Chocolate Chips

Apani saw a bag of chocolate chips sitting on the counter.

She KNEW she wasn't allowed to have any at that time.

With some quick thinking, she cleverly managed to eat some without getting into trouble.

Maddy was sitting in front of this cabinet, looking at the tupperware. I was occupied with dirty dishes, cooking, and unaware of the mischeif taking place just feet away me. Maddy loves to share and just yesterday, Maddy was sharing those same chocolate chips.

Apani KNEW if she gave them to Maddy, Maddy would offer her some.
She KNEW that I wouldn't yell at Maddy.
And I guess she thought she couldn't get in trouble for graciously accepting what was offered to her. Or she thought she could outsmart me. Either way, all I could do was laugh. Afterall, watching them bond over chocolate was the cutest scene ever! I rather her do it that way, then sneak them into her mouth and deny it with chocolate stained cheeks.

These were taken yesterday when Maddy first found them hidden in the cabinet.


Emily said...

You better watch out for that one. She's a little genius!

family said...

HA! HA! HA! A girl after my own heart! Can you blame her? I would have sneaked them too! HAHA!

vdg family said...

I love that--utter cuteness--especially the sideways smile on the last picture.