Friday, December 19, 2008

While you were sleeping ...

I almost devoured an entire box of Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate Covered Peppermint Joe Joe's! I blame Madelyn! She only looks cute and innocent.

Madelyn has decided that not only is she going to wake up at 2,3,4 in the morning, but she is also going to play ... with me! Yay!! Whoever said you need 8 hours of sleep a night has not had the pleasure of getting 8 hours of sleep a week! You're missing out buddy!!

Let her cry it out you say? Well, she's sleeping in bed with wouldn't work. We don't have room for her. So, we come downstairs and I wait for her to be ready for bed. She plays in her swing and I photoshop. These are some of my favorites.


family said...

oh those pictures are awesome! They are just so cute! I can't wait to come for a visit! LOVE YOU GUYS!

KRISTIN said...

It's crazy how much older those two look now...especially Apani. Such cuties!

RJ said...

Wow, I need to learn how to photoshop, those are gorgeous! I feel you on the night wakings, whenever I get frustrated with sleeping with the babe I just think, "Well, Eve did it and THOUSANDS of years of women after her, so so can I!"

Whattya think...inspiring enough for 2 AM?

Lets get together this week? Email or call me on my hubbies phone, mine is lost on a train!!!! 480390-5391