Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Ready or Not

So I no longer have a choice. It's time to potty train.

I was peeing when I suddenly, like always, got a visitor. Madelyn wanted to pee too. I normally humor her and let her sit on her potty for a few minutes, but I have so much cleaning to do today that I just wanted to go. She must have known how much I have to do because she was very insistent that I put her on that potty. I kept trying to distract her til I gave in. I put her on the potty and left to continue cleaning when suddenly she comes running out of the bathroom, "Ma Ma, poo poo!" Her onesie was soaked and in the little potty was pee pee! She was so proud of herself and a few minutes later, peed again!

Go Maddy! Now it's my turn to be persistent. The only problem is I don't remember potty training. What do I do? And the other girls were older when I trained, Maddy is only 16 months old. lol!


vdg family said...

Wow Kelly! You can do it!

GR82BAMOM said...
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GR82BAMOM said...

I'm sure it will go well. I know a little girl who practically potty-trained herself at around the same age as Maddy.