Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Learning Language

Maddy says the cutest things. I don't know if it's because she's so darn adorable or because she hears her sisters say things and tries to use it as though she knows what she's talking about.

Maddy told me today that she was going to show me the best trick of her "whole entire life." That's 3 whole years! Are you sure???

While checking out at Kohl's, she picked up a gift card and with difficulty attempted to put it back, she says, "This doesn't make any sense!"

She was rubbing her eyes with her blankie and said, "I'm tired. Is it nighttime this year?"

I find myself often reminding the girls, "You need to behave."
They hear, "You guys need to be - hAve."
After a few minutes, Maddy will ask, "I being - hAve?"
It makes perfect sense because I also tell the girls that they need to BE good. In turn they ask, "I'm being good?"
It reminds me of when Kaity and Abby were about Maddy's age, one learned from the other to ask, "I being - A - hAve?"

We went out to eat the other day, which is something we rarely do because 4 kids are exhausting just to think about. So on the ride over I was preparing them and telling them what there would be to eat. You know, so there's less time deciding and waiting while we're there and can leave faster and hopefully avoid any and all potential meltdowns. I told them, that first, we would have salad and breadsticks and Kaitlyn excitedly yelled, "I want a breadstick. ... Do they have cheese?" I said, "Ummmm? I'm not positive." Maddy quickly piped in, "I want a positive!"

1 comment:

vdg family said...

This is so dear! I love what Maddy says!