Monday, December 7, 2009

A tiny pink box, an excited little girl, and broke parents

Kaity bought this home today.

Cute, huh? Guess what's inside ...

HINT: She got it from the school nurse ...

... a tooth! She lost her first tooth today.


I knew that when she turned 5, she would start losing some teeth, but I didn't think it would be only 6 days after her birthday! She is growing up too fast.

As I tucked Kaitlyn in, I told her to leave her tooth somewhere the tooth fairy can find easily..."make sure it stays under your pillow, don't play with it." I was surprised she fell asleep so easily considering how excited she was.

She had tons of exhausting questions about this tooth fairy.
Where does she live? ~ The Enchanted Forest
Who does she live with? ~ all the other fairies and unicorns
Will she bring candy? ~ No, just money
Do the boy fairies bring candy? ~ No they all bring money
To buy candy?! ~ I guess?

As if two birthdays and Christmas, all in December weren't enough, now I have to play tooth fairy? Thank goodness, she only cost a dollar!


family said...

AWWWWWWW! Too cute! They really do grow up to fast! :( Although some days that's a good thing! HA!

GR82BAMOM said...

Hooray for Kaity!