Monday, March 8, 2010

Awaiting Spring

We were lucky and missed most of the storms this winter, and when we did get snow, we didn't get much. It has, however, been cold. I am eagerly awaiting Spring and this weekend we got a beautiful taste of it.

Since moving, the girls have gotten lazy. We used to walk everywhere and the girls could easily do 2 miles. Now that we drive everywhere, they complain about the 1/2 mile walk to the library. We need exercise.

So if the weather isn't offering enough hope, here are two pictures of what I found in our garden:

SPROUTS!! It is our first Spring here, so it'll be fun to see what is growing. I do know that we have Cherry Blossoms! Can't wait to see those!!

1 comment:

vdg family said...

Ohhh, it looks so fun! Do you think you put a link to your cooking blog on your side bar so I can link it to my blog? :) Thanks!