Monday, March 8, 2010

Awaiting Spring

We were lucky and missed most of the storms this winter, and when we did get snow, we didn't get much. It has, however, been cold. I am eagerly awaiting Spring and this weekend we got a beautiful taste of it.

Since moving, the girls have gotten lazy. We used to walk everywhere and the girls could easily do 2 miles. Now that we drive everywhere, they complain about the 1/2 mile walk to the library. We need exercise.

So if the weather isn't offering enough hope, here are two pictures of what I found in our garden:

SPROUTS!! It is our first Spring here, so it'll be fun to see what is growing. I do know that we have Cherry Blossoms! Can't wait to see those!!

Friday, March 5, 2010


There's a song song by David Weinstone on Noggin called Grumpy.

The lyrics begin ..

If you want to be a grump that's ok, but could you be a grumpy kinda further away. It's not that I don't love you cuz you know I do, sometimes I'm grumpy too.

I think I understand exactly what it is you're going through. Oh when your oatmeal is lumpy and your socks are all bumpy. What's a poor kid to do?

I love this song and used to sing it to Apani all the time, she didn't like it as much. But man oh man, Maddy is a grump. She takes right after Apani, and it's so darn cute! Let me remind you... Maddy's Tantrum I have to restrain myself from laughing because she gets so mad so quickly over nothing.

The other day, just for kicks, when her tantrum started I said, "Maddy, if you're gonna be a grump, you need to go be a grump somewhere else." And so she walked away. I heard her stomping a few times, then turned around happily running back offering kisses (something she is cruelly, sparing of). I thought it was a fluke, but just a few minutes later I was given the opportunity to test it out again. Sure enough, as told, she walked away. This time she went to the "time out" corner she often sees one of her sisters in and after a minute she came out happy as can be! It's been very successful over the past few days, making life, a little less stressful and any mother knows, those tantrums can be emotionally draining so any tactic that helps is a life saver!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Dear Mrs Rowe

Kaitlyn came home from school with this letter today.

"Dear Mrs Rowe,

Your daughter is so funny! Her prayer intention for the day - "Please pray for my mommy cause she's falling apart"

Mrs G :)
(and so did we)"